Please read the rules and conditions of Ski Weeks CAREFULLY.
In participating, you agree that any serious breach will result in the participant being sent home at the Parent/Guardian expense.
Health and Safety
The Southland Ski Club make every effort to ensure a safe and enjoyable programme for participants (duty of care), but accidents do happen. Ensure participants have a few early nights before coming, they have a busy week ahead of them. The Southland Ski Club will not be liable for accidents, injury or loss/damage to property.
Participants must be fit and healthy - please do not send children who have been unwell or have cold and flu symptoms as this can compromise the experience for all.
Basic first aid will be administered for minor injuries. Medical attention will be sought for serious injuries or illness; and parents/guardian will be contacted. All treatment and travel costs will be charged to the parents/guardian, including the use of hut parents vehicle if applicable.
Participants are not permitted to leave the area except for medical treatment, in which case the hut parents must be informed.
Lessons are compulsory from Monday to Friday . If participants ski outside of lesson times then they must ski with a designated buddy at all times.
Lunch times will be partially supervised by hut parents at the indoor/outdoor café complex operated by NZSki. Participants are not to return to the Lodge until after the afternoon lesson.
Please note that any night skiing/boarding is not part of the Southland Ski Week programme.
Children will be rostered daily to do cleaning duties (vacuuming, bathrooms, dishes etc.) Please ensure your child is aware and capable of doing basic duties.
Mobile Phones and Electronic Devices
Mobile phones and electronic devices can be very useful tools on the mountain however the hut parents reserve the right to remove such items if their use is deemed to be anti social or inappropriate.
If mobile phones and electronic devices are bought to ski week, no responsibility can be taken by the Southland Ski Club, hut parents or NZSki for the loss or damage of any such items.
Behavioural issues
While on Ski Week participants are the responsibility of the Hut Parents in charge. Participants must abide by the rules set by Hut Parents at all times - Any serious breach of the rules will result in the participant being sent home at the parent/guardian’s expense. No refund of fees will be given.
Please respect others and their property at all times. Inappropriate behaviour and bad language will not be tolerated, nor will disruptive behaviour after lights out.
Participants will be liable for all costs in the event of any loss or damage to the Lodge or NZSki property. If emergency services are called out unnecessarily and it is proved to be the fault of the participant, the family will also be liable for all costs incurred.
Closed Mountain Contingency Plan
In the event of the ski field being closed, I grant permission for hut parents to transport and supervise my child to alternative activities, provided that;
1/ The driver has a full drivers license
2/ The driver is not under the influence of substance which may impair their responsibilities
3/ The vehicle is roadworthy and has a current WOF
4/ The vehicle has snow chains that cover the vehicle’s tyres and the driver is familiar with fitting these chains
5/ The child’s driver is responsible for supervision of that child during the excursion and the child will obey the driver’s instructions
6/ Any medication that my child or children may require during the outing will be taken and made available during the outing
7/ A first aid trained parent will attend the outing with a first aid kit
I understand that each child has the option to participate in the excursion or remain under supervision at the ski lodge according to the child’s idividual wishes.
I agree to reimburse the Southland Ski Club for a small petrol contribution and any incidentals, such as entry costs to an activity.
If you do not agree with the Contingency Plan, please notify the Club.
Please discuss departure arrangements with hut parents when arriving on the Sunday (collection by non-parent/guardian must be pre-arranged).
Week One - Participants to be collected between 4 - 5pm on Friday.
Week Two - Participants can be collected between 4 - 5pm on Friday.
Participants cannot leave until cleaning duties are completed.
The Southland Ski Club ask that all participants be delivered and collected by a driver with a full license. Adverse weather may affect roads and test driving skills – we want to ensure your journey is a safe one!
Please ensure all clothing and personal items are named for identification, using a pen to write your name on the label at the very least.
Refunds may only be given at the committee’s discretion.